Trust A Professional To Clean Your Fine Jewelry
It�s amazing to see the lengths that some people will go to when it comes to cleaning and taking care of their car, but when it comes to their fine jewelry, which may have very well cost more than the car, (and be something that they have for a lot longer) they seem to not pay any attention to it. I have friends that won�t let a Girl Scout troop doing a fund raising car wash clean their twelve year old station wagon, but when it comes to the diamond earrings, necklaces and even their diamond engagement rings, they don�t seem to realize that they should be cleaned regularly. Of course, the only thing worse than not cleaning their jewelry, is watching them take out a bottle of glass cleaner and a paper towel to do so.
The reality is that most people don�t realize the amount of care that a diamond needs, and that�s because it�s kind of a trick question. Diamond jewelry doesn�t need much care, but it does need the right kind of care. Keep in mind that diamonds are the hardest minerals on earth. They are not something that needs to be pampered or overly protected. At the same time, if you want to make sure that they look their best, you don�t just wash them like you would your windows!
Thankfully there is a better way to take care of all of your fine jewelry. That�s by letting the professional who sold you the jewelry in the first place be the one to clean it for you. I�ve been going to my local jeweler for years and he has a diamond cleaning service that takes care of all of my diamond jewelry, even pieces that our family has had long before we knew him. Not only does his professional staff make sure that all of our diamond necklaces look just as good as they did the first day we bought them, they also examine each piece carefully, to make sure that there is no damage or loose stones. By letting them take care of my jewelry for me, I know that it will always look a lot better, and be in a lot better shape, than some of my friends� cars.