Where Has Your Journey Taken You?
Our lives take many twists and turns, ebbs and flows and when we’re in the moment it can be hard to see where our story will lead, but in retrospect it can all be made clear. Take a moment to review how amazing these stories are from the seeming miniscule to the grandeur of the universe. Did you know when Albert Einstein graduated in 1901 having trained to be a teacher in mathematics and physics he couldn’t find a post so he became employed at the patent office where in his spare time he did most of his work we know him for today? His General Theory of Relativity before 1924 was based on the universe being constant. In 1924 Edwin Hubble proved spiral galaxies were outside the Milky Way and with further research found the Universe was expanding. Einstein met with Hubble and after review of the data modified his own theory of relativity to remove the cosmological constant. In 1974 Joseph Taylor and Russel Hulse discovered a pulsar which was able to prove Einstein’s theory. As the two stars spiral in towards each other with the pulsar moving early through its orbit the gravitational radiation carries energy away and the curve can be measured, representing the expectation as based on Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. Speaking of spirals, did you know the Chambered Nautilus, in existence today and believed to have been around for 500 million years, grows in a perfect Golden Mean spiral? The cross-section of the shows the cycle of growth, but also holds the sacred geometry, in that natural patterns of life can follow a predictable mathematical equation represented by the Greek letter phi for the Golden Ratio. These numbers can be demonstrated with the spiral of the Nautilus. Beginning with a small single square, (one unit per side), continue adding larger and larger squares in a counterclockwise direction using the following number sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. Draw diagonals through every square in a counterclockwise direction. The proportional relationship of the squares quickly begins to approach the Golden Proportion of 1:1.618... phi. This same pattern can be found in the spirals of cauliflower, the placement of leaves on most plants, the patterns of pine cones, the ratios of our own DNA, and the measurements of distant galaxies.
Maybe your own life has taken some twists and now looking back you can make the connections between all those interactions that lead from one thing to another. Remember that moment with the Alter’s Gems white gold spiral diamond journey pendant.
Alternatively, you may think of your life more like a winding river, bending through the countryside like this white gold diamond pendant from Alter’s Gems. Did you know the technical description for those bends in a river is called ‘meander geometry’ or ‘meander planform geometry?’ It is calculated as the length of the stream divided by the length of the valley. A perfectly straight river would have a meander ratio of 1 (it would be the same length as its valley), while the higher this ratio is above 1, the more the river meanders. There is a three-dimensional quality to this equation as there is a depth to the river and the elevation change of the slope for the valley itself. The ultimate bend in the meander is near circular and eventually will bend in on itself to the point of reconnecting and forming a new river channel. When this occurs an Oxbow Lake is usually created.
How has your own life come full circle? Are you back in your home-town after having left? Reconnected with that special someone you knew from years ago? Cherish this special time of reflection with this white gold circular pendant from Alter’s Gems. Keep in mind your path is unique and there is more to come, savor your time and remember where you’ve been as you set one foot in front of the other to get where you’re going.